Saturday, June 6, 2015

Moving and Shaking

Wow! It's been a whirlwind of a few weeks.

We found out our landlord wasn't renewing our lease, went on a vacation, found a new apartment, went to a Korean wedding, packed up our old apartment, moved into our new apartment, and finished the end of the school year - grading exams, packing up our classrooms, etc. And now? We leave for summer vacation in 3 short days! Time to pack again. And we're not even done unpacking! (Check out pictures from our adventures below!)

God has really blessed us during this busy season, and although there has been A LOT going on, we have really experienced his peace in the midst of it all.

Before we leave town, we have some goodbyes to say to friends who won't be coming back next year. We're not looking forward to that so much, but we are excited for them because we can see God leading them to new adventures.

On the other hand, we are really looking forward to this summer!
This year, we've booked a round the world ticket (If you haven't heard of this, it's really something to explore!).

We are planning to visit some wonderful cousins in Africa and England before a visit to the U.S. of A. First stop...Northern Africa for some quality time with Scott, Ashley, and baby Abraham. We can't wait to see them! Between Africa and England, we have a long layover in Paris, so we'll celebrate our 2nd anniversary together in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower (although our actual anniversary is a few days later). Next on the agenda, time with Matt, Vicki, and their sweet girls in Cambridge, followed by a week in London with...the whole Nat Pitcairn family + Grammy! We're excited to see some familiar faces in new places.

After all of our adventuring abroad, we'll make our way to Florida (June 30-July 8) and then to Illinois (July 8-July 28). Somewhere in there, we plan to sleep and eat, and Joy needs to do some homework for a college class of her own to renew her teaching certificate next summer.

So that's that! What are you up to this summer?

Joy and Bennett

The mud flats of Korea 
One of the inhabitants of the mud flats.
You should check out his weird friends in this video.
Getting ready to try silkworm larvae.
Our friend Andrea has a great video and some other pictures on her blog.
At the Korean folk village - View from the top!

Junior-Senior Banquet
We attended a shmancy dinner with our high schoolers to wrap up the year.

Apartment Hunting
The empty living room of our new apartment.
We'll add "moved in" pictures once we're settled in the fall.

Moving Day
Everything packed - hanging out with
my new friend who doesn't speak English
To move in and out of apartments that are not on the ground floor, they
use this ingenious conveyor thing.
Conveyor from the bottom.  Moving a mattress down.
The moving trucks use every inch of available space.
How does so much stuff fit onto those trucks?

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